As part of our own FutureReady Work Story and based on a synthesis of numerous future work visions, marketplace movements and our client needs, we have taken time to articulate anew a key set of skills that we concentrate on in Humantific Academy. Today we teach the Present and Future Work Skills that are strategic, human-centered, and most adaptable across multiple contexts. These are thinking/doing skills that can be bolted onto existing skill-sets to superpower often already strong foundations. We work with organizations seeking to build highly adaptable, human-centered changemaking capacity.
Understanding what it takes to build a sensemaking and changemaking oriented organizational culture we differentiate between MindSets and SkillSets with the former being considered introductory awareness not advanced mastery. In some basic situations introductory MindSets might be enough, (Be Curious, Be Open, Be Adaptive) but in the complexity and continuous change contexts facing organizations today more advanced process mastery is most often now required, especially if you are in a global company facing many diverse complex challenges.
In this short post we have also included our view of the human-centered capabilities that many organizations will need to build asap in the face of that rapidly arriving future. (See Key Organizational Capabilities below.)
FutureReady: Urgent10
Key Work Skills:
Identifying what individual human capabilities have sustainable, high-yield value as the uncertain future unfolds continuously:
Assumption-Free Problem/Opportunity Finding*
Complex Adaptive Problem Solving*
Applied Creativity Thinking*
Open Challenge Framing*
Empathetic Insight Creation*
Deep Cognitive Flexibility*
Visual SenseMaking*
Inclusive Innovation Collaboration*
Accelerated ChangeMaking*
Innovation Enabling Leadership*
Note: *These are skills taught within Humantific’s Complexity Navigation Program.
FutureReady: Urgent20
Key Organizational Capacities:
Identifying what adaptable, sustainable, high-yield capabilities teams and organizations need today and will need tomorrow:
Navigate complex uncertainty
Proactively adapt to continuous change
Cocreate new forms of value
Make sense of complex unstructured information
Tackle complex monster challenges
Identify new arenas of opportunity for growth
Uncover unmet customer needs
Maximize data/information abundance
Envision Future Scenarios
Create new products, services & experiences
Humanize the future (in the face of constant technology change)
Maximize diverse brainpower
Build high performance change making teams
Integrate new forms of technology
Optimize existing value offerings
Build continuously adaptive capacity
Lead / drive / explain accelerated changemaking
Attract, retain and upskill a futureready workforce
Create an inclusive innovation culture
Enable continuous learning / continuous innovation
Note: These are capabilities that we help organizations build.
Ready for the Future?
Interested in building a FutureReady Skill-Building plan?
Send us an email: engage (at) humantific (dot) com