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Virtual Visual SenseMaking

Updated: Feb 1, 2020

Elizabeth Pastor Teaching in Virtual Program

One of our favorite partnerships is with Donna Elby and The Future Work Skills Academy. Its been fun and a real adventure to participate in the design and development of the rockin new academies' virtual skill-building program.

With so much marketplace interest in the subject of the Future of Work, in SenseMaking and in micro learning modules we really wanted to participate in this experimental program.

The work involved in creating a customized virtual skill-building program is monumental but certainly worth it. We learned a lot via this collaboration that we are already folding into our other skill-building programs.

You can now sign up for The Future Work Skills Academy virtual sessions and see Humantific CoFounder Elizabeth Pastor teach Introduction to Visual SenseMaking!

This platform allows us to reach a global audience with the option of teaching deeper skills as a follow-up. For those who might not know, the modules of this program are based on the Future Institutes Future of Work Skills 2020 Report that identified 10 key work skills.

The Academies goal is "training superheroes for 21st century workplace," something that aligns with our own Humantific objectives.

Questions? Send us an email kickitup (at) humantific (dot) com



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