Humantific works with organizational leaders in numerous industries to build team-based innovation capacity so we were naturally interested to see this article appear recently in BloomBerg BusinessWeek directed at its MBA audience.
“We surveyed recruiters in two dozen industries, from consulting to consumer products, so while we asked specifically about their preferences in MBA recruiting, their feedback likely applies to a wide pool of applicants for the same types of jobs.”
Framed as “These are the Skills You Need if You Want to Be Headhunted”many of the high demand capabilities are those embedded in what participants learn in Humantific’s Complexity Navigation Programincluding these 10 key skills:
Strategic Thinking* Creative Problem-Solving* Leadership Skills* Collaboration Skills Adaptability Skills Analytical Thinking Initiative Taking Decision Making Entrepreneurship Communication Skills
Data from this survey showed that Strategic Thinking*, Creative Problem-Solving* and Leadereship Skills* are not only in high demand but are also “the hardest to find”!
In the context of organizations this 10 skills list translates into need for investment in innovation capacity building, in innovation skills, in a new generation of adaptability skills.
Many organizations are already hard at work on building such innovation capacity. Today a new generation of adaptablity skills have taken shape in this “big data era” where making sense of complexity is now often key.
For more information on the Humantific Complexity Navigation program feel free to send us an email: programs (at) humantific (dot) com