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Experience Design Thinking

The (not so) SECRET (apparently forgotten) HISTORY (and future) OF EXPERIENCE DESIGN THINKING

Humantific CoFounder, GK VanPatter tackles another difficult subject posting to his Linkedin Blog.

“Happy summer Humantific readers! It is a super steamy week here in New York City! This weeks’ tricky topic: Our view on the evolution of “Experience Thinking.”

Recently we were inspired to write when it was brought to our attention that over on the now giant-sized 100,000+ member Design Thinking LinkedIn group a thread was bubbling up proclaiming the arrival of “Experience Thinking” right now in 2018! Yes, the proclamation was entitled “Design Thinking Grows Up: Welcome to Experience Thinking”“Taking Design Thinking to the Next Level”!

Who Knew?!! 🙂

Since Experience Design is part of our own practice history we decided that it might be useful to our readers if we make this subject the focus for this weeks’ post.

Most communities of practice have a time-line and Experience Design is no different. Understanding community of practice timelines can certainly help us collectively and realistically understand, not only the past, but more importantly what is going on right now and what challenges remain.”


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