Complexity Navigation skill-building.
We are delighted to be back in Istanbul working with our client collaborators on Complexity Navigation Leadership Skill-Building. We love building inclusive adaptive capacity in global organizations.
In a continuously changing new normal, VUCA world, where complexity is rising this requires new adaptive skills, methods and behaviors that contain no baked-in assumptions regarding what the challenges and opportunities might be.
"Leadership Qualities Necessary for the Digital Age: Adaptability, Curiosity, Creativity, Comfort with ambiguity"
At Humantific we define Adaptable Capacity as the organizational ability to proactively drive change and continuously address complex challenges beyond product, service and experience assumptions.
See Also: Harvard Business Review: Curiosity, Not Coding: 6 Skills Leaders Need in the Digital Age:

Confidential: Much of the transformation and innovation capacity building work that we do with organizations around the world is strategically confidential. We are thinking partners, innovation skill-building partners, inclusive culture building partners.
Get in touch to learn more about Humantific skill-building programs: Email: kickitup (at) humantific (dot) com
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