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Istanbul Virtual Conference Keynote

Updated: Aug 5, 2020

CoFounder GK VanPatter will give a keynote talk based Humantific's new book Rethinking Design Thinking: Making Sense of the Future that has Already Arrived at the upcoming, virtual BAinstanbul Conference in December, 2020.

With vast confusion around the subject in the marketplace, GK will share his perspective on how Humantific makes sense of the already-arriving future of design / design thinking. Stepping outside the pervasive industry marketing narrative, Rethinking Design Thinking points out the need for a new form of readiness to better take on the scale and complexity of organizational and societal challenges now emerging. Part expose, part history lesson and partprovocation this new Humantific book clearly makes the case for more robust and adaptive methods beyond the assumptions of product, service and experience creation. GK will present some of the lessons learned from making the book as well some its key recommendations.


To learn more about this new Humantific book go here!

Conference Overview:

"This year, BAistanbul is going virtual. We are gathering on virtual platforms to discuss our theme “Virtual Business Analysis”. You can attend the conference from wherever you are in the world and be a part of an international Business Analysis community.

There will be Keynote speeches, workshops, networking opportunities, and so much more. Don’t miss the chance to experience all these digitally."

Conference Topics:

Virtual Business Analysis

Remote Business Analysis Techniques & Tools Agile Business Analysis Cybersecurity Analysis Data Analysis & Sensemaking Design Thinking Strategy & Design Business Analysis Career


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